
2024年2月22日—GotoDSM>StorageManagerandcheckiftheVolumeusagethatSurveillanceStationusesisnearingfullcapacity.IftheVolumeusageistoo ...,2019年11月7日—AsIknow,quickconnectmayrelaystreamviaSynologyservers.Sothebandwidthmightbeaconcern.Inmyusecase,IuseDDNSanddirectly ...,2021年1月9日—IdonotuseQuickConnect,noHTTPSandthemobiledevicewithDSCamisonthesamenetworkastheSynologybox.Thecomputerclientandw...

What can I do if Surveillance Station is running slow?

2024年2月22日 — Go to DSM > Storage Manager and check if the Volume usage that Surveillance Station uses is nearing full capacity. If the Volume usage is too ...

Cameras in DS Cam Take Forever to Load

2019年11月7日 — As I know, quickconnect may relay stream via Synology servers. So the bandwidth might be a concern. In my use case, I use DDNS and directly ...

DS Cam feed very slow to load after update to 8.x

2021年1月9日 — I do not use Quick Connect, no HTTPS and the mobile device with DS Cam is on the same network as the Synology box. The computer client and web ...

DS Cam slow loading

2021年10月20日 — Hello,. since a few weeks, ds cam hardly wants to load anymore. It takes a couple of minutes to login and then I can't see any image of my ...

Android DS Cam is slow loading

2023年11月6日 — I am having a very slow loading of live video on DS Cam on Android. Web, DesktopApp, and iOS can be displayed with no problem at ...

DS cam slow over WAN

2022年7月22日 — The initial connection with my DS Cam is very slow when I connect to it using my domain name. I have setup and use Cloudflare as my ...

DS CAM Slow Login

2022年7月14日 — Is anyone else experiencing slow login from DS cam after all the recent updates? Using https,it takes 1-2 minutes for me to login on my ...

若Surveillance Station 運行速度變慢,該如何處理?

2024年2月22日 — 此文將敘述如何排解Surveillance Station 的效能問題。 解決方法. 一般設定. 高CPU / 記憶體使用率:. 開啟DSM > 資源 ...

Slow DS Cam

2023年12月10日 — Do you have active insight enabled? Some people mentioned their Synology running at full load due to bug in latest version. But also your ...

Speeding up DS Cam and Surveillance Station

2023年3月27日 — Can anyone offer any suggestions for improving the speed of connection (both the initial connection and ongoing view)? I am using QuickConnect, ...